1949 Queen Dorothy Jones with at-
tendants Jean Cossey and June Tapp |
The Bakehouse Lane clothing company Hart & Levy entered this float in the
1949 Carnival Parade. Please contact us if you know some names.
Gala Queen Rosemary Blowfield is seen here in 1950 with her attendants
Margaret Mould (left) and Margaret Strudwick (right). The children L-R:
are Gail Thomas, Melvyn Blowfied and Paul Miller
Gala Queen Margaret Mould in 1951 with her attendants Sadie
Williamson (left) and Gillian Keightley (right) Not shown here are the small attendants who were the same as in 1950
Janet Moisey was the Queen in 1953. She was crowned by Kettering
Mayor Cllr. G. Howard and Mrs. Howard. Mavis Greenfield (left) and Jean
Irons were her attendants. Richard Cholerton, Eileen Stokes and Edris
Hull are the young attendants
June O'Neil - 1954
The Queen and her attendants - 1954
Lucy Whitelock, June O'Neil and Francis Muir
The crowning of Francis Muir in 1955.
L-R: Marrienne Wright, Peggy Hull (attendant), Julie Wright, Francis Muir,
Richard Cholerton, Lucy Whitelock (attendant) and Eileen Stokes
An advertisement from 'The Stage' 2 February 1956
Left: The 1956 selection contest ,
held at the Ambulance Hall
L-R: Margaret Thurlow, Dr. Kingsley,
Joyce Eady, Mrs Kingsley, Barbara
Mickley, ??, Mr Andrews, Pat Stairs,
Angela Coleman and Pauline Talbot.
Above: The successful trio: Angela
Coleman, Pauline Talbot (Queen)
and Margaret Thurlow
The 1957 Queen, Sadie Williamson,
with her attendants Jennifer Smith and Pat Johnson. Miss Alison Glover
of Pytchley House performed the
ceremony.The little girl is
Corrine Saddington.
The crowning of the 1958 Queen, Pat Johnson (see below). Also seen on
the platform is one of her attendants, Jennifer Smith. The little girl is Moira
Sherbourne. Miss Courtney Hope, who performed the ceremony, is seated
on the right of the picture.
From the Evening Telegraph - August - 1958
Queen's crowning prelude to carnival day
Before a crowd of almost 400, Miss Patricia Johnson, Burton Latimer's rock'n rolling carnival queen, was crowned last night by Miss Courtney Hope.
Pat Johnson, the 1958 Queen is
seen here being crowned by Miss
Courtney Hope of "The Archers"
radio serial
Miss Johnson was wearing a full-skirted, full length white fine lace dress with a strapless top
and a white satin drape carried from the waist falling over the hips in folds, and carried round
to the back finishing in a bow.
Over this, Miss Johnson wore a blue velvet cloak with a stand-up collar and trimmed with
cord. Her crown was of matching colours.
To the background music of "Some Enchanted Evening," she walked from the council offices
to her throne on the council lawns.
Miss Courtney Hope (Widow Turvey of "The Archers") and Mr. Arnold Peters (Len Thomas
of the same programme), were introduced by Mr. A. Morby, secretary of Burton Latimer
Charities Committee.
After the crowning ceremony Miss Courtney Hope wished the carnival every success Miss
Johnson made her reply reading from a scroll.
Mr. Peters placed tiaras on the heads of the queen's attendants Miss Jennifer Smith and
Miss Kay Jempson.
In an Ambridge dialect, he told the crowd: "You should do better than we did at Ambridge -
it isn't raining here."
Mr. A.H.Caffrey, chairman of the committee, Mr. E.C.Lewis, president, and Mr. Douglas
Ashby, vice-president of the committee and chairman of Burton Latimer Urban District Council
all spoke stressing the need for a full turnout tomorrow.
Presents were handed to the queen and her attendants by friends and officials, and Miss Sadie Williamson, last year's queen presented the bouquets.
From the council grounds, the party travelled to the recreation ground to see the finals of the six-a-side knockout football competition between the "Jungle Town Blockbusters" and "Benford's Wreckers." The "Wreckers" were winners by two clear goals and Miss Johnson presented trophies to the winning team.
Miss Johnson was selected as this year's carnival queen by Mr. Jack Froggatt, Kettering Town's player-manager and Mrs. Froggatt, during a dance in June.
Pat, who lives at the Britannia Club, Burton, is employed in hairdressing in Kettering, and is a keen rock'n roll enthusiast.
After the 1958 crowning at The Poplars are Queen Pat Johnson with
her attendants, left: Kay Jempson and right Jennifer Smith.
Mrs Cissie Benford is the chaperone.
Gala Day at the Recreation Ground in 1958. L-R: Kay Jempson,
Pat Johnson, Mrs Hilda Morby and Jennifer Smith
Details from the 1959
Carnival Programme
The selection of the 1960 Queen and her attendants. Seated: Barbara Marlow, Peggy Hull (Queen) and Davina Cooper. Standing L-R: Mr.
Sellars (Barclays Bank), Iris Sharman, Mrs Rickards, Alf Caffrey, Frank Wright,
David Mayes, Albert Morby and Mrs.Saddington
Peggy Hull, the 1960 Queen, aged 17, is seen here receiving a cup
from her 1959 predecessor Eileen Williamson